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May 30, 2011

Rumah Baru + Semester 3

Assalamualaikum.ehem ehem.

sekarang ni aku dah ada kt kolo pilah.
duk kat umah sewa baru.
ermm,life kat luar ni ada best ada kurang best.biasalahh kan mana ada benda perfect kan??
sekarang dah lebih kurang seminggu dah duk kt rumah ni.awal-awal ni mmg sedikit mencabar dari segi mental dan yang paling utamaaa adalah EKONOMI.haha.seperti anda semua sedia maklum,duit biasiswa JPA x dapat lagii...malahan ahli2 rumah yg ditanggung oleh PTPTN punn belumm dpt nafkah,tulahhh kena lah mengorek celah2 duit yg adoo.haha.makan pun bercatu.
tapii...untung kami ada tuan rumah yang sporting morting ni.mak cik Jumiah dan Wak Sudin nama diberi.haha.

eh,asal tak boleh nak upload gmbr eh?errmm.xpelah nex tyme aku upload ye?

okay minggu first ni klas byk x de.lecturer pun tgh tunggang langgang lagi..namun,ada jugak subjek yg dh start klas..dh siapp bagii assignment lagiii.haii haaaiii..
untuk sem 3 ni..(eh dah sem 3 dah kan??cepatnyerr..) subject2 yang akan dipenuhi adalah...
jen jeng jengg,,,:

HSM115:RECREATION 2 (yg ni berbeda-beda bg setiap student..bleh pilih..)

haiihhhh haihhh nmpk cm beratt je x pe kuatkan hati laa..
xpe susah sket kita kan nak belajar.:)

Dugaan tu kan Nikmat sebenarnya.

okay rasenya thats all for now.till next time.

p/s:huhh,aku rindu......:"(

May 24, 2011

Semua orang dah tahu kot.

Assalamualaikum and good day everyone!

as all UiTM-ian know,25th May 2011 was a nightmare.well not really was kick-start to restart the new upcoming semester.just imagine,without this bloody day we can't reached next step,right?
okay,out of it,spilt it out.soo,macam mana dgn korg punya result?dah check belum?congrates for your result.tak kesah berapa pun result anda yang pasti itu semua ada hikmahnya,if you think the door were closed already,go!find new one that has opened,don't stared too much at the closed one.insyaAllah,even how small the door is,yet you still can get the light.

"tuhanmu adalah yang melayarkan kapal-kapal dilautan untukmu,agar kamu mencari sebahagiaan dari kurniaanNya.Sesugguhnya Dia yang maha penyayang terhadapmu"

taliking about the result,mine was really really unpredictable..subhanallah.hebatnya kuasa Allah.sangat sangat tidak menjangkakan,malahan memimpikannya,tapi Alhamdulillah,Dia berikan satu lagi nikmat-Nya antara infinite nikmat yang Dia berikan.sebenarnya aku malu.malu dgn Dia,aku beri sangatsangatlahh sedikit,sedangkan Dia berikan aku baaaaaaaanyaakkkkkkk!undefine!ya Allah..

"dan nikmat tuhan yang manakah yang kamu ingin dustakan"(Ar-rahman:13)

pernah tak korang rasa macam korg bagi seseorang tuh sehelai tuala untuk berteduh,tapi dia balas dengan rumah bak istana(okay maybe tak sgt relevan lah nk bndingkan,tp ni analogi aku sendiri.huhu.)i felt guilty,seriously.sangat.
result nilah salah satu cara kita muhasabah diri.jangan fikir," okay aku dpt result macam ni,then this is it".fulstop.nope,life is'nt just that,its not the ending of it,its the journey in it.

getting all A's in this semester exams was nice,but my frineds once said to me,"aku takkisah dapat 4flat,sbb kita bkn semua betul dlm exam tuh..".ermm betul juga apa dia cakap tu,sbb kita dapat 4flat tuh sbb grade utk all subject was either A or was'nt like you get all 100% mark in every subject,i'll take this to remind me,there is a lottt.manyy brilliant in the world,and there are the only ONE that is ya Arif,ya Rashid.our Allah,my Allah.

"cukuplah bagiku Allah yang( memelihara dan melindungiku),tidak ada tuhan melainkan Dia.Hanya kepada Allah aku bertawakkal,dan Dia adalah tuhan yang memiliki Arash yang agung"

last but not least of love,
Alhamdulillah ya Allah,
for all the things you've gave to me.
do remind me if i'm forget.

This is ain't no play.not a challenge.

ehem ehem.challenge kita biar dulu ,aku malas.aku nak tulis luahkan perasaan jap.:)
(err,kalau rasa tak nak muntah,sila click X cepat2 kat tepi belah kanan atas hujung tuh.tq.lain kali dtg lagi!^^)

haihhh.hati sesak ah skrg ni.many thing happens yet i am not strong enough to face it.err,let just say i am AFRAID of what will happen next.i dont have the gutts to try, even the chance just in front of me.i just..huhhh.

dulu,pernah kawan aku cakap."mayo,kau selalu lepaskan peluang.byk peluang dtg kat kau tolak mentah2." was when i am in form 5.huhu.not so long,right?
haihhh. and now i am building up my strength.telling myself to be as positive as i can,even it is hard anyway. with those golden chance fly away though, i know there's something more better than gold waiting for me.(this is one way for me to get positive.scribbled around this not-so-viewed blog.hehe)naaa,thats all for this un-teruja post.thanx for viewing.:)

and this is just for you,
i'm sorry i'm not strong enough.
to get rid of you,
to get you.
lets fate pair us better.
He knows better.
nor moving forward neither backward.
lets just follow the flow.
all the best to us,both.
sincerely me.

p/s;i think 'you' will never read this.huhu.maybe.

May 14, 2011

Day 11:Another picture of you and your friends

Assalamualaikum.okay today i want to going down the memory lane.bukak balik gmbr zaman2 dulu..dan zaman sekarang.i can see i've didnt really change so much.just little changes here and,just enjoy the show!

cuba teka yg mannnaaa sattuu sayaa?hoho.:D

ok ni 5 tahun selepas itu.Form 5 (2009)
againn..silalah teka saya yg mana?^__^


okay that's all for today.
have fun!:))

May 13, 2011

Day 10: Songs you listen to when you're happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad.

okay because of some technical problem with Blogger sorry for being late.(korg pun faham kan?huhu.err..mcm laa ada org tnanti2 post aku kan?hehe.).

ok lets begin now.
what songs do i've listen to when i am happy,mad,sad,bored and hyped?
i listen to various type of song.i dont have my only one favourite singer/group or what-so-ever.if i listen to one song,and its suit my,let them just play.:)
(tp tetap korean no.1~kadangkadang~.HA-HA.ckp tok serupo bunyi!;p)

but the most song that soothed(betul ke eja?hehe) me and also you(muslims) are THIS SONG..really.insyaAllah.for muslim brothers and sisters,i know all of you must've heard this song right?it is not just song.its a love letter from our Allah.:)

thats all for today.:)

May 12, 2011

Day 9: Something you've proud of these past few days.

Assalamualaikum(huhu.dh jrg2 bg salam kat cni kan?:))

what i've proud of in these past few days??


Okayy.firstly,i've done some housework since now is my semester,i've been such a dedicated 'domestic enggineer' .err.not really succesful i think.HAHA.

i've done cooking.baking.wiping.washing......stalking.err.haha.

although most of my baking thingy not going so well but i think i've achieved my goal to learn something new in this semester break.unlike those past semester break,i've just cooked simply-mimply dish.:D

erm what else?haa.and today i've drove my is mum's actually.hehe.not really far from my house,but still i've drove far enough than i can conclusion ,those driving session was improving my skills.right?and my mum just sat calmly,and happily with her daughter as a i think she's proud of me.and i'm proud of myself.haha.(hek eleh..ada org bwk lagi jauh tak kecoh cm kau punn..wuuu.what der what derr??)ok.u can say whatever u want but still,i am proud of myself.hihi.(ok taknak ckp lebih.nanti u'jub pulak kan?):D

till here for today.

May 10, 2011

Day 8 - Short term goals for this month and why

ermm.challenge hari ni mmg kena dgn situasi hari ini.i've had quite 'serious' conversation with cikAishah and get some idea for my short term goal for this month.

gambar semangat dari TUMBLR*

my short term goals for this month is:

1:lupakan 'kau'.
2:bersihkan Hati dan Jiwa dari bendabenda tak sepatutnya.:)
3:habiskan khatam Al-quran yg paling penting before masuk new sem. must start from the first ayah this new sem!yeahh.insyaAllah.jom buat bersamasama?:)

erm,what's more?
haa.lagii buat bajet kwgn for this upcoming 3rd semester.huu.cehwahhh.papa J,pehliss bg cpt sket nafkah sem 3?*muka sehabis comel yang boleh*haha.(ok. GEDIK).

AND WHYY i make this goal is:

1st goal:agar hidup lebih tenangg aman dan damai.
2nd goal:ini memang sangatt perlu.bkn setakat this month sepanjang hayatt.:)
3rd get better day by day..improve our amal.we dont know when we're going to die right?so start now.its never to late,but itd better not to be late.:)

hahh thats all for today.(lagi 1jam nak masuk esok.haha.baru buat challenge utk hari ni.haha.;p)

May 9, 2011

DAY 5,6 and 7 .

haha okaayyy i've failed this challenge because i've skip the challenge for two days!huwaaa.including today,so thats mean i have to do 3 days chellenge in 1,ive decide to make it veryyy short and in only one post.haha(see..aku mmg malas!)hehe.

Day 5:A picture of somewhere you've been

ermm let see in my folder..

this is one of the place i've been.the latest one.

ok.the end for DAY 5.:)

Day 6:Favorite superhero and whyy???

my favorite...hermm..hermm..POWER RANGERS!!!

because i love their costum.and the actor was quite HANDSOME and TOUGH too.haha.(mmg kecik2 lagi dah gatal..see...see..ish2).andd i love PINK and WHITE rangers the most.hehe.there are many series of POWER RANGERS..such as mighty morphin,turbo,and blablablabla..i've forgot already.huuuu.:) but the most series that give me a lot of impact is Mighty Morphin.hehe.because i love the way the robot always said.."aii aii aiiii aiiiii aiiii.."aku suka ikut robot tuh ckp..tah petah nama dia.aku dah lupa..(see...forgot again..sighh~)

end of Day 6:)

Day 7:A picture of someone or something that give big impact on you

whatt and whattt?hurmm..big impact on me??




TUMBLRing!gave me big impact.not really big i think.
but still gave me some impact.hehe.
yeahh.sometime.when you feel down.tumblr can heal you.try it.:)
yeah this picture i've got it at Tumblr.hehe.sorryy-__-y
ahh already have one?do visit me at HERE.

sooo ,the end of the Day 7 challenge.

p/s: heartbroken.haha;( (abaikan yang ini)

May 7, 2011


happy mothers day,maaaaa!
we love yyyouuuuu.
truly and deeply:

May 5, 2011

Day 4:the habit that you wish you did'nt have.

my habit that i wish i did'nt have?


i think all my habit is all the thing i love.that's why it become my,i'll never wish to discard the habit..(haha.discard??.lantakklaa..;p)

so,nothing to said here.(aku pun tak reti nak bebel panjang lam BI.haha.).
till then.bye!:)

haa,jap2 ni habit terbaru aku.meng'Crop' and 'Snip'.hehe.salah satu hasilnya..




Result.(ini post banyakgediksedikit;)

tetiber tringat dkt result final.
hermm.aku rasa cam down je pointer sem nih.
tawakaal tawakal.phewww.

kat malaysia tak jual eh benda nih?dapnyoo.;p

result kuar 25/may.hermm.:(
pray for the very best for me,and you.:)

May 4, 2011

Day 3:A Picture of you and friends.

Do it said.." 'A' picture of you and your friends?"
hermm.i dont have 'A' picture though i have "A lot" of, i think of how about "as many picture of you and your friends"?.haha.(derhaka sungguh aku pada challenge nih.hehe)

soo,here it comes!!:)

wallaaaahhh!heree wee come.
from right:Wanikami,Nora,"si cantik",Jesse,MamaZett,Lela,Nadiah,Zaaaaawi.
those are P109 banana's members.ex-roomate masa dekat Pengkalan Hulu dulu.
I LOVEE YYYOUUUUU ALLLL sangatsangatt!:* *rinduuuuu*:"( we comes again.this is Hanim and 'Hanam'.
haha.the reason i've put this picture here because Hanim was'nt in the next picture.

lastt but nott leasttt,all of us 7 upss.. 9 flowers.haha.(aku pun tak taw cmno aku boleh terjebak dgn benda2 nih.ahah)
butt still, I LOVEE THEMM ALLL soo muchooo000!:D
eh Hanim was'nt here because dia hambik gambo.kehkehkeh.

soo,i think that all for the 3rd days challenge.see yaa tomorrow!

May 3, 2011

Day 2:the meaning behind your blog's name.

haaaaa,my blog's name?

dulu nama dia "Just Say It".

tapi semenjak aku berkecimpung dalam dunia microbe nih,aku terjumpa perkataan baru,iaitu "Colony(singular)/Colonies(plural)".haa meaning of colony nih aku cm ingt2 lupo..masa exam arituh aku ingt laa nih aku dahh lost..haha.dah la buku pun tinggal kat pilah..kalo tak, buleh jgk den belek2 Tortora tuh..huwaaa!

ok kembali kepada tajuk asal.

sebab aku tengok bacterial colonies dalam sesebuah 'culture media' tuh sangat laa rapat.
diorang kongsi nutrient yang sama,gas yang sama.kalau aerobic samasama aerobic,kalau anaerobic samasama anaerobic.
so,ibarat aku dan andaanda semua..kita sebagai satu koloni..bersamasama dalam dunia blogger ni..bila anda baca blog aku dan follow,so automatic anda akn jadi koloniku..dan aku..of coz laaa ketua koloni!!hahaahha.

ok rasanya its enough for today!hehe.sepatutnya dia suh wat entry lam english,tp aku bantai BM je der..haha.kamus tinggal kek kolo pilah!;p

p/s:keyword for today:-
culture media:bekas@tempat kita biakkan bacteria(microorganism) misalnya.
aerobic:aerobic respiration yang memerlukan oksigen.
anaerobic:respiration without oxygen.
psssttt..aku wat maksud dia berdsrkan kefahaman aku jer.xrujuk,kalo tersalah tuh leh tolong betulkan..almaklumlah,sy bukan sempurna.:).tq.

ni ada gambargambar contoh bacterial colonies.

"this is one example of the bacterial colonies from human throat"
cantikkk tak?-_-'.haha.

'bacterial colonies growth on plate'
ekcelli,ni bacteria yang ada kt hidung aku..haha.
ltak sikit je white head tuh,sekali lepas 3 hari(kot)..dia dah mmbiak jdi koloni ni.huhu.

Cerita Kolejku.

halluu halluuuu!
hehe disamping aku wat challenge2 bagai tuh..aku nak jugak lahh share2 benda2 yang berlaku kt diri aku nih..hahaha.lantaklahh org nak dgr ke tak..i x kesah what 'the people' say..(inspired by AimanAzlan...checked it out his AimanAzlan.nice vlog bro!!:D)

nak cerita pasal Kolej Kediaman.:)

okayh.since kolej kediaman punya permohonan dah boleh disemak berjaya atauu tidakk sejak 2mei lepas..dan akuu pun telahh menyemaknyaa dannn.....




aku dah dapat rumahh sewaa..
(err nanti aku ltk gmbr rumaah eh?x sempat nk ambik arituh..lalala..waitt..)

tapii mesti ramai yang tanyaa kenpaa duk luar,dah dapat kolej??ermm..*tink tink*

ni ada sedikit 'perbualan' yang aku reka guna imaginasi aku.keh3..enjoyy!:)

'the people':kenapa nak duk rumah sewa???dah dpt kolej nak duk luar jugak??rugii..rugii..

aku:ehem..ehem..mmg laa sapa kata duk kolej x,setelah berfikirfikir..lambat laun aku kena duk luar jgk..soo,dah alangalang dapat rumah sewa yang murah+fully furnished lagi+dalam pagar tuan rumah+cantik+comel..blablabla..baek duduk je..sbb nanti kalo dah duk kolej sem ni..tetiber sem dpn x dpt...mana gua nak carik rumah sewa cenggitu lagiii doowww??tell mee tell me!!haha

'the people':hellehh..kau nih cepat mnyerahh laa..sem dpn lagi mungkin ko dpt kolej jgk..fight for it laa derr!!

aku:hahaha.ok aku admit mmg kalo nak dpt kolej sem dpn lagi tuhh..mungkin ada,xpelahh.aku bg kat yg betul2 nak laa kan..maybe diorg ada sebab sendiri diorg nak kolej.

'the people';hallahh kauu..alasan lebih.

aku:eh betul pe aku kata..baek kita bersusah dahulu,bersenang kemudian..smpy bila kita nak duk bwh ketiak kolej je?sume disediakan..blablabla..lamelame kita kena hidup sendiri jugak..kan?soo take da experience while we have da time:).

'the people':ohhhh wait waiitt!ko nak kata duk kolej ni anak manjaa laa eh?haaaa.ok mmg laa duk kolej sume disediakan..senang..xpyh nak masak..byr sewa..cari barang kalo nak masak... tp,dahh sekarang tugas kau untuk belajar..bkn wat kerja2 rumah tuh..bazir masa dowhh!cuba byg,brapa chapter boleh habis dalam masa yang sama dengan kau memasak utk lunch?ce cite..ce cite?

aku:haaa wait waiitt ddaaa..kita ni bukan hanya belaja dgn Silberberg,Rayymond,Giancolli,Tortora,Boyer,J. Black je derr...kena jugak blaja dgn Makcik Jumiah,pakcik Sudin.Akak Limah,Tok wan..belaja cara nak hidup..bukan hidup dengan belajar saje..adee paham tak?haa.

'the people':ermmm..kau duk kolej boleh jugak kau blaja benda2 tuh..keluar lahh kolej sekali sekala..

aku:ehh tak buang masaa kee nak keluarr?nti kang habis berapaa chapter pulakk kau x bace...haha

'the people':errr..........

~the end~
agakagak sapa menang?keh3:P

hahahaha.oklahhh conclusionnyaa,sebenarnyaaa duk dalam kolej and duk luar pun ada pros and cons.kena bijak bawa diri.mana2 pun kita pergi atau tinggal..yang penting setiap pengalaman yang kita dapat tuh kita muhasabah kembali dan fikir..apa yang kita dpt dari 'event' tersebut..ambil yang positive,neutralize yang negative!

p/s:chill ye dak kolej.aku pun sayangg sebenanyerr kehidupan duk lam kolej.ada manisssnyaa!banyak actually.:))

May 2, 2011

Day 1:A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

DAY 1 :A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.


15 fact about me?
i'm not really interesting person.ehem.i think.;p

1st. My name that never change is AZWANIS SOFEA BINTI ASMADI.

it’s heat fixed with permanent stain.haha.

2nd. My only mother is MRS.ZAMZAM one can change this fact.

3rd. My first man in my life is MR.ASMADI DERAHMAN.:)

4th. On 30th October 1992,I was born by the one at 2nd fact.:)

5th. Technically today, I am 18 years 6 month 4 days.haha.

6th. I have a blog.this is my blog.(hahha.yang ni pun termasuk dengan fact jugak!)

7th. Currently,im studying at UiTM Negeri Sembilan,Kampus Kuala Pilah.

8th. Im taking diploma in Microbiology.interesting huh?

veryy interesting to know ‘them’.subhanallah.

9th. It is a fact that this is a 9th fact.

(memangg nak kena pelangkung aku nih.haha)

10th. Ohh I have 4 lil brothers and i’m the only flower among 4 beetles in my family.;p

11th. I have a nickname.the most famous one is MAYO.haha.

12th. My family called me EVA,IWA or WAWA.(macam macam.)

13th. I don’t know what’s more fact to list,technically this is the fact!;p

14th. Oh this is the 2nd last ?ahhh it is a fact.

15th. Ah-ha.this is the last one!woow,great fact !so, I’ll pen off now.:D

30 days challenge?




haha.disebabkan aku dah kekeringan idea nak buat apa.apakatakata aku cuba buat benda nih?i'll try.sementelahan pula,cuti sem nih mmg ber 30 days pun.soo


Day 1 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Day 2 - The meaning behind your blog's name

Day 3 - A picture of you and your friends

Day 4 - A habit that you wish you didn't have

Day 5 - A picture of somewhere you've been to

Day 6 - Favorite superhero and why?

Day 7 - A picture of someone/something that has a big impact on you

Day 8 - Short term goals for this month and why

Day 9 - Something you're proud of in the past few days

Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you're happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends

Day 12 - How you found out about blog and why you made one

Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Day 14 - A picture of you and your family

Day 15 - Put your ipod in shuffle. First 10 songs that play

Day 16 - Another picture of yourself

Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why?

Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have

Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them?

Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in future

Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy

Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else?

Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot

Day 24 - A letter for your parents

Day 25 - What would i find in your bag?

Day 26 - What do you think about your friends?

Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 days challenge?

Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned

Day 30 - Who are you?


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